Flag Day ceremony at Elks June 14

The Wrangell Elks Lodge will be hosting a Flag Day ceremony tomorrow, June 14, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Flag Day is a national holiday, celebrated annually on June 14.

The holiday was established in 1916, by President Woodrow Wilson, in honor of the flag of the United States, and also to give recognition to other historical events occurring near the same time. According to a 2018 article on history.com, Congress first established the Continental Army in June of 1775, during the Revolutionary War. This also lead to the creation of the first "American" flag.

Carrie Wallace, chairperson for this year's celebration, pointed out another important event that occurred near this year's Flag Day: D-Day. On June 6, 1944, American and allied forces launched an amphibious assault on the beaches of Normandy, France, to begin the liberation of Europe from the Third Reich.

"It's so fitting, now, with 75 years from Normandy, where so many lives were lost," Wallace said. "It's fitting Flag Day falls so close to that."

Wallace said at the Elks Lodge there will be a flag procession of all the American flags throughout history. It will begin with the "Pine Tree Flag" and will end with the modern stars and stripes. The public is encouraged to attend the event.

The American Legion will also be participating in the ceremony, where they will have a public retirement of several flags which have become too old and worn for use.

Wallace said that anybody who owns an American flag they would like to retire is welcome to drop it off at the lodge during business hours, prior to the ceremony. After the ceremony, burgers will be served to all attending. Veterans' dinners will be complimentary of the lodge, according to a Facebook post by the Wrangell Emblem Club, an auxiliary of the Elks.


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