Father's Day Picnic at Muskeg Meadows

Golf Roundup

Radio Station KSTK sponsored a nine-hole best ball tournament at Muskeg Meadows last Saturday, June 15. There were 18 participants in the tournament. First place went to a team consisting of Spenser Stavee, Ed Rilatos, Ron Soale, and Drew Eyon, with a net score of 20 and team handicap of 17. Second place went to Eric Kading, Tyler Eagle, Toot Harding, and Wayne Harding with a net score of 21 and team handicap of 17. Third place went to Dough Nelson, Jerry Bakeburg, and Frank Roppel with a net score of 22 and team handicap of 14. Spencer Stavee had the straightest drive of the day at 2 feet.

The next day, June 16, the Wrangell Elks Lodge hosted a Father's Day tournament, which saw 20 participants. First place went to a team consisting of Eric Kading, Corrie Wallace, Brian Smith, and Jason Garringer, with a net score of 22 and team handicap of 16. Second place went to a team consisting of Ed Rilatos, Ron Soule, Nate Johnson, and Joe Pelabrue, with a net score of 23 and team handicap of 17. Eric Kading had the straightest drive of the day at 37 inches. After the tournament, the Elks Lodge held a Father's Day picnic for everyone at the golf course.

Next weekend's tournaments will be sponsored by Alaska Airlines.


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