Police report

June 24, 2019

Traffic: Person parked at the high school.

Agency assist: Harbor department.

Agency assist: Fire department.

Disabled vehicle.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning.

Verbal domestic.

Traffic complaint: Person driving too slow.

Dead bird.

Report of reckless driving.

June 25, 2019

Citizen assist: People will not be cutting down trees at this time.

Agency assist: Public works.

Parking complaint: Person has permission to be parking there.

Citation issued: George Larsen, 60. Failure to stop at stop sign.

Dangerous play: Kids were told not to jump off rock wall or the city dock.

Suspicious circumstance.

June 26, 2019

Parking complaint.


Hit and run.

Agency assist: EMT’s.

June 27, 2019

Missing/stolen: Prescription.

Stolen bicycle.

Two agency assist: Harbor master.



Agency assist: Fire department.

Two disturbance calls.

Citizen assist.

June 28, 2019

Citizen assist: Dog with quills.

Agency assist: Fire department.


Traffic complaint: Person driving too fast through Panhandle.

Traffic complaint: Person driving reckless downtown.

Suspicious circumstance.

Noise complaint.

Public intoxication.

Arrested: Richard Johnson, 24. On charges of assault in the fourth, criminal mischief, and harassment in the first.

June 29, 2019


Disorderly conduct.

Agency assist: Coast Guard.

Citizen assist: Unlock vehicle.

Welfare check.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for speed.

Citizen assist.

Citizen assist: Dog with quills.

Found property.

Theft: Unfounded.

June 30, 2019

Traffic: Person driving suspiciously.

Harassment/VCOR: Arrested: Aaron Young, 23. On charges of violating conditions of release.

Citizen assist: Unlocked vehicle.

Agency assist: Fire department.

Dog euthanasia.

Two disorderly conduct calls.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for no headlights.

There were seven ambulance calls and two dog complaints this week.


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