Dan Ortiz holds teleconference with Wrangell and Ketchikan

State Representative Dan Ortiz (I) held a teleconference with constituents in Ketchikan and Wrangell Monday, July 8, to hear public opinions on

the state budget, the PFD, and other items. Monday was the start of a second special session of the state legislature, one that has

appeared to be just as divisive amongst legislators and Alaskan residents as the previous sessions. One of the hot topics of this session, when it was announced, was whether or not to overturn Governor Mike Dunleavy’s line-item vetoes of the state budget.

The governor cut $444 million from the budget, according to a June 28 article by the Anchorage Daily News. Among these cuts, according to the report, are $130 million from the University of Alaska, elimination of Medicaid dental coverage, complete defunding of the Alaska State Council on the Arts, and elimination of the state’s senior benefits program. Governor Dunleavy won his seat on a campaign that emphasized cutting costs and giving Alaskan residents a full PFD payment. This has become a controversial topic in Juneau and across the state. While many Alaskans want to see government costs reined in and want a bigger PFD, many others are very concerned about the programs being lost.

Ortiz said he believes the vetoes need to be rejected. Not only was it a popular opinion in the teleconference, but he said it was also popular in the legislature. However, at the time of the teleconference, he said that they did not have as much support as necessary.

“Unfortunately, right now we have 40 votes and we need 45,” he said.

Ortiz added that those who were really concerned about getting the vetoes overruled should contact state legislators who were still on the fence about the subject. He sent an email containing a list of who to contact to the Wrangell LIO shortly after the teleconference. The “on the fence” legislators include Representatives Sara Rasmussen, Sarah Vance, Lance Pruitt, Dave Talerico, DeLena Johnson, Kelly Merrick, Laddie Shaw, Josh Revak, and Senators Mia Costello, Peter Micciche, and Mike Shower There were five people who came to the Wrangell

Legislative Information Office for the teleconference, including the Wrangell Sentinel reporter. After some discussion amongst those in the office, everyone appeared to be in agreement that they wanted to see the legislature overturn the governor’s vetoes. Not wanting to all repeat themselves, they asked Sarah Whittlesey-Merritt, of the local LIO, to speak for them.

“They all agree with Ketchikan,” she said. “They would like you to override the vetoes.”

“I really appreciate you folks going down to the LIO and letting your voices be heard. Again, I appreciate anything you can do to communicate with the rest of the legislature, encouraging them to take the kind of action that you want me to take as your representative, and that’s to vote for the overrides,” said Ortiz.


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