How much wood could a Chuck Oliver Logging Show chuck?

The roundabout near City Dock was blocked off July 4, for the 45th Chuck Oliver Logging Show. The logging show has been a staple of Wrangell's Independence Day celebration since it was first organized by Chuck Oliver in 1975. Chuck and his son, Randy, have been heavily involved in the logging show off-and-on for many years. With Chuck passing away in March this year, and Randy announcing that this would be his final show before retiring, many Wrangellites came out to see the close of this particular chapter in the community's history.

"With the logs, site and tools picked up, my final year as chairman of the July 4th Chuck Oliver Logging Show comes to an end, I want to thank all of you that have come out year after year to cheer us on," Randy wrote in a letter sent to the Wrangell Sentinel. "Tom RoIand will be taking over next year and I have all the faith that he is going to do great as the logging show chairman. I would like to thank my dad in heaven for starting this show 45 years ago. Although he is gone his vision to teach the youth of our community what it is to be a logger continues."

There were 10 events in this year's logging show. There were traditional logging-related contests, such as axe chopping and power saw bucking, where contestants try to be the first to slice through a log with a chainsaw. There were also contests that called back to the more rustic days of the timber industry, such as the Idaho Style contest where two contestants would have to operate a large, two-person saw. One new event added to the show this year was the Obstacle Bucking contest. This was a challenge that tested participant's speed and balance. Starting on one end of a narrow log, contestants would grab a chainsaw and run to the other end of the log. They would then climb on top of the log and walk across it, stopping to turn on the chainsaw halfway across. Then, while keeping their balance, contestants would cut off the end of the log. Once that was complete, they then had to turn off the chainsaw, turn around, walk back across the log, and run back to the starting point.

With all of these events going on, safety was a high priority. The public was asked to keep their distance from the show area, staying along the sidewalk or behind caution tape that had been set up beforehand. The only people allowed into the show, besides volunteers or contestants, were members of the press who signed a safety waiver. Parents were also asked to keep a close eye on their children.

"We find that five-year-olds and chainsaws never go well together," said Mayor Steve Prysunka, the logging show's Master of Ceremonies.

Al Brock was one of this year's contestants. Like the Oliver family, Brock has a long history with the show. He was there for the very first one in 1975, according to an article in the Wrangell Sentinel's archives. Back then he took first place in power saw bucking, axe cutting, under cutting, and was also named the year's "All-Around Logger." This year Brock proved that he still had some skills in the logging department, claiming third place in power saw bucking and axe throwing.

Randy also participated in his own show. He took second place in power saw bucking, first place in axe throwing, and was named "Bull Of The Woods." Aleisha Mollen, one of the judges for the show, said that this award is basically for good sportsmanship, and is voted on by other participants in the contest.

"This is the sixth year that I've done scorekeeping," she said. "It gets a little bit better every year, it's always fun."

The full results of the logging show are as follows:

Power saw bucking

1st: Duane Ricker

2nd: Randy Oliver

3rd: James Montgomery

Axe chopping

1st: James Montgomery

2nd: Nathan Moores

3rd: Thoms Roland

Idaho Style

1st: Thomas Roland and James Montgomery

2nd: Duane Ricker and Jamie Stough

3rd: Nathan Moores and Brian Lea

Hand bucking

1st: Thomas Roland

2nd: James Montgomery

3rd: Duane Ricker

Choker setting

1st: Duane Ricker

2nd: Thomas Roland

3rd: James Montgomery

Obstacle bucking

1st: Duane Ricker

2nd: James Montgomery

3rd: Thomas Roland

Axe throwing

1st: Randy Oliver

2nd: Mitchell Cabrigas

3rd: Al Brock

Ma & Pa bucking

1st: Thomas Roland and Sierra Reil

2nd: Nathan Moores and Jerrie Dee Harvey

3rd: Jamie and Rachel Stough

Women's rolling pin toss

Toni Marie Oliver

All Around Logger

James Montgomery

Bull of the Woods

Randy Oliver


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