Police report

July 8, 2019

Illegal burning: Verbal warning given.

Citation issued: Duane Ricker, 28. Failure to provide proof of insurance. Came in later and provided proof of insurance and ticket was voided.

Agency assist: Fire department.

Report of theft: Criminal mischief.

Two reports of suspicious circumstance.

Report of harassment.

July 9, 2019

Motor vehicle accident.

Welfare check.

Found property.

Subpoena service.


Agency assist: Petersburg police department.

July 10, 2019

Unsecured premise.

Subpoena service.

Agency assist: Public works.

Welfare check.

Warrant arrest: Andrew Twyford, failure to appear.

July 11, 2019

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for equipment failure.


Report of theft.

Agency assist: UA.

Random breath test.

Agency assist: Alaska state trooper.

Agency assist: Search and rescue.

Animal complaint.

Paper service.

Probation violation.

July 12, 2019

Unsecured premises.

Motor vehicle accident.

Welfare check.

Two citations issued: Alora Wigg, 49. Aggressive dogs.

Violate conditions of release: Aaron Young, 22.

Two reports of suspicious activity.

Criminal mischief.

July 13, 2019

Courtesy transport.

Agency assist: Alarm.

Report of theft.

Agency assist: Public works.

Suspicious activity.

July 14, 2019

Fight/disorderly conduct: All parties went their separate ways.

Found property.

Welfare check.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning given.

Agency assist: Alaska state trooper gave verbal warning for having fire outside.

Disturbance: Person was advised to keep it down.

Disturbance: Both parties were advised at this time.

There were two ambulance calls and two dog complaints this week.


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