Tickets available for coho and halibut derbies

August is just around the corner, meaning it is almost time for Wrangell's annual fishing derby. Fishing derbies have been a longstanding tradition in Wrangell, and for many years the king salmon derby was a very popular event for locals and tourists. However, the king derby was set aside last year due to struggling stock numbers, and replaced with a coho salmon derby. Last year's coho derby saw 240 tickets sold and 106 salmon weighed in. This year, the chamber of commerce is offering tickets for two derbies: Coho and halibut.

The coho derby will run from Aug. 10 to Sept. 2. While last year's derby was only open for fishing on weekends, this year's derby will allow fishing every day. Another difference between the two derbies is that this year's winners will be judged solely by the largest fish caught, rather than the combined weight of the three biggest fish. The first place prize will be 30 percent of the derby's ticket sales. Second place will be 15 percent of ticket sales, and third place is 10 percent of ticket sales. On top of that, the largest coho entered each week will win a $250 prize. The largest coho caught on Labor Day weekend will be $500. The top coho caught by a woman will win a sterling silver bracelet by Ria Designs.

The halibut derby is a bit shorter than the coho derby, from Aug. 30 to Sept. 2, but the prizes are equally tempting. First place for the halibut derby will be a $700 prize. Second place is $400, and third place is $200. On top of that, one particular halibut has been caught, tagged, and re-released. Whoever catches this specific tagged halibut will win a $10,000 prize.

Weigh-in stations will be located at city dock, Monday through Friday, and at the harbor master's office on weekends. Halibut will only be weighed at Reliance Harbor. There will be a post-derby award party on Sept. 5, at 6 p.m., at the downtown pavilion.

For more information contact the chamber at (907) 874-3901.


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