Golf roundup

First Bank hosted two best ball tournaments last weekend at Muskeg Meadows. There were 29 participants in the tournament on Sat., July 20. First place went to a team consisting of Brian Slick, Kathy Slick, Matt Hagen, and Christa Hagen with a net score of 17 and team handicap of 19. Second place went to a team consisting of Rocky Littleton, Marva Reid, Rodney Littleton, and Ken Madsen with a net score of 19 and team handicap of 15. Third place went to a team consisting of Brett Woodbury, Jerry Bakeburg, Wayne Harding, and Kathleen Harding with a net score of 20 and team handicap of 14. Kathleen Harding had the straightest drive of the day at eight feet, eight inches. Randy Littleton was closest to the pin at 38 feet.

There were 34 participants on Sun., July 21. First place went to a team consisting of Brett Woodbury, Jerry Bakeburg, and Steve Elliot with a net score of 20 and a team handicap of 12. Second place went to a team consisting of Hugh Washburn, Jake Washburn, Toot Harding, and Wayne Harding with a net score of 21 and a team handicap of 15. Third place went to a team consisting of Ed Rilotos, Rebbeca Smith, Nate Johnson, and Joe Delibrue with a net score of 21 and a team handicap of 17. Fourth place went to a team consisting of Rocky Littleton, Marva Reid, Rodney Littleton, and Ken Madsen with a net score of 22 and team handicap of 15. Toot Harding had the straightest drive of the day at one foot, four inches, and was also closest to the pin at 35 feet.

Muskeg Meadows will host the annual Bearfest Golf Tournament on Sat., July 27. The Al Kaer memorial tournament will be on Sun., July 28.


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