Wrangell dancers preparing to lead the way at Celebration 2020

Celebration is a large, biennial cultural event for all Southeast Alaskan tribes across the region. For four days in June, according to the Sealaska Heritage Institute's website, tribal citizens from all over Southeast Alaska and beyond come together in Juneau for traditional songs, dances, and crafts. It is one of the largest gatherings of Southeast Alaskan tribes in the state. Next year's Celebration will be extra special, as members of Wrangell's native community have been named 2020's lead dance group.

"The biennial event is sponsored and organized by Sealaska Heritage Institute and brings together dance groups representing Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian and other nations or clans together for three days of sharing songs, dance and stories," Dixie Hutchinson wrote in an email to the Sentinel. "Being named the lead dance group for Celebration 2020 is an honor and privilege. Wrangell songs will be used for a grand entrance and grand exit by thousands of dancers from across the region and beyond."

Wrangell is home to two native dance groups, Shx'at' Kwaan and JOM. For Celebration 2020, Hutchinson explained, the two groups will come together to lead the way. Most of this month has been used to get organized and review responsibilities of members from both groups. Hutchinson added that they are wanting their group at Celebration to be as representative of Wrangell's native community as possible. It would be nice, she said, if they could get at least one dancer from each of Wrangell's nine clans, and are also working on having custom banners made to represent each Tlingit clan.

"Although traditionally our community was only Tlingit, we want to make sure when we're carrying those banners through the parade or whatever place at Celebration, we want to represent the Haidas that are here as well, or the Tahltans that are here, or Tsimshians, and there's also Aleut folks here," Hutchinson said.

Virginia Oliver, with the JOM dancers, said that she was very excited and apprehensive about leading the way at Celebration 2020. It is a terrific opportunity to pass on their culture to future generations, she said. Lu Knapp, with the JOM dancers, agreed with Oliver. She added that Celebration is an event that means a lot to her, as well as others.

"The coming together, the combination of the people all getting together is very powerful," she said.

Hutchinson said that the plan is to begin really focusing on preparing for Celebration 2020 and getting people excited in December. They are looking for volunteers or any Wrangell clan or native heritage to connect with them to learn how they can participate, even if it is not as a dancer.

To learn more about Celebration, visit http://www.sealaskaheritage.org.


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