
Recently I took a small survey "What do you like best about Wrangell?" The universal response was "the people." Because I personally felt something of the spirit among us weakened, I questioned some steady returnees on the 4th of July. They too, had experienced a change of feeling about town. A new coldness. Yes, lots of new folks have come. Their jobs are of a totally different type than our original loggers and fisherfolk. These jobs are mostly inside type; not challenging one's strength, or so much needing comradery and togetherness to get the work completed.

For me, not being on the internet, thus, no Facebook, I recognize a definite separation from my community activities with difficulty keeping in touch. Most all communication seems to travel by Facebook, internet, or texting. Yes, this is a quick, easy and direct means but I have a concern with this method. In Ephesians 2:2 (KJV) God names Satan "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience."

Thus, the majority of our thoughts and plans travel to each other through Satan's power and domain. Even on world and national news today there are questions about accuracy of those transmissions. Also, complaints concerning determination of what is allowed to be sent over these pathways.

In the Bible, the story of Daniel's prayer being immediately responded to by God, but the messenger Gabriel being caught and entangled; held up for 21 days until freed by a second angel, Michael. I believe angels are air travelers enforcing my concern of our priority use of the airwaves for our primary communication.

In the beginning God walked and talked with Adam in the garden (Gen 2:15-17). It was the "crafty serpent" Satan that diverted Eveand thus Adam from following God's instructions and they both fell. The fruit providing them knowledge of good and evil, God placed them from the garden into the world. (Gen 3:11-19).

It was through Jesus' death on the cross and the resurrection that we are now able in prayer and Bible reading to talk directly with God.

Perhaps we can re-establish the beauty of fellowship and community within Wrangell by spending a little less time and effort on digital communications and more purposeful time, deeper and more balanced, on one to one time with our friends and neighbors bringing beauty back to Wrangell's spirit among her people. Also, remember to include profitable one on one time talking with God.

Jacquie Dozier

Harbor Light Church


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