Golf roundup

Muskeg Meadows Golf Course hosted the annual Bearfest golf tournament last Saturday, July 27 with 22 participants.

First place went to a team consisting of Kitty Evers, Tammy Davison, Jacci Spry, and Terrie Cerny, with a net score of 16 and a team handicap of 22. Second place went to Rocky Littleton, Marva Reid, Loren Enright, and There Klein with a net score of 19 and a team handicap of 18. Third place went to a team consisting of Frank Roppel, Jerry Bakeburg, Rosie Roppel, and Cindy Beird with a net score of 20 and team handicap of 17. Robert Johnson had the straightest drive of the day at 33 inches. The next tournament at the golf course will be the Rally for Cancer Care on Aug. 10 and 11.


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