Rally for Cancer Care golf tournament results

Last weekend was the Wrangell Medical Center Foundation's Rally for Cancer Care Tournament, held at Muskeg Meadows. The annual event draws sizable crowds from both Wrangell and Petersburg, to raise money to cover cancer patients' travel expenses. This year was no exception.

On Saturday, Aug. 17, 51 women attended the tournament. Of these, 31 were from Petersburg. This was not a serious tournament, but an excuse to hang out with friends and enjoy several golf-themed contests. Food, and a silent auction, were provided as well. In spite of the rainy weather that day, there was a strong turnout.

"The rain didn't seem to affect anyone," said Olinda White, with the WMC Foundation.

On Sunday, Aug. 18, 12 men showed up for the "Blue Tees for Cancer Care" tournament. First place went to a team consisting of Ed Rilotos, Doug Neklson, Ron Soule, and Dwight Yancey with a net score of 20 and a team handicap of 17. Second place went to a team consisting of Jason Garringer, Brian Smith, Eric Kading, and Wayne Harding with a net score of 21 and team handicap of 15. Frank Roppel had the straightest drive of the day at 108 inches.

White said that they raised about $6,500 from the tournament. More donations typically come in shortly after the tournament, she added.

"I already have people looking forward to next year's tournament," she said.


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