Golf roundup

Smitty’s Carpet and Doug’s Construction sponsored last weekend’s tournaments at Muskeg Meadows Golf Course. On Saturday, Aug. 17, there were 15 participants. First place went to a team consisting of Jerry Bakeburg, Morton Pihl, and Brett Woodbury with a net score of 21 and team handicap of 20. Second place went to a team consisting of Robert Johnson, Blake Forrester, Terrie Cerny, and Ed Rilatos with a net score of 24 and team handicap of 14. Third place went to a team consisting of Doug Nelson, Rita Harms, Faye Kohrt, and Chris Ellis with a net score of 24 and team handicap of 18. Chris Ellis had the straightest drive of the day at 52.5 inches. Brett Woodbury was closest to the pin at 91 inches.

On Sunday, Aug. 18, there were 18 participants. First place went to a team consisting of Wayne Harding, Kathleen Harding, and Kaye Kohrt with a net score of 23 and team handicap of 17. Second place went to a team consisting of Doug Nelson, Rita Harms, and Randy Littleton, with a net score of 24 and a team handicap of 16. Third place went to a team consisting of Brett Woodbury, Martin Pihl, and Jerry Bakeburg with a net score of 25 and a team handicap of 10. Brett Woodbury had the straightest drive of the day at 77 inches. Kathleen Harding was closest to the pin at 11 feet.

Next weekend’s tournaments will be sponsored by John Tullis Realty.


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