New waterfowl hunting regulations announced for SE Alaska

Hunters are reminded of new waterfowl regulations which change the timing of season opening and closure dates on an alternating yearly schedule. These changes went into effect on July 1, 2019 in Region 1, which includes Units 1 through 4.

Each year, the season opening date will change, depending on whether it is an odd year or even year. In odd years, like 2019, the season start date for waterfowl will begin on Sept. 1. In even years, like 2020, the season start date will begin on Sept. 16. Season duration will remain constant at 108 days.

This change, made effective by the Board of Game during its January meeting in Petersburg, was implemented after feedback from hunters requesting additional opportunities to harvest waterfowl in various parts of the region.

“Green-winged teal, for example, are a species often sought after by hunters in Southeast,” Roy Churchwell, Area Wildlife Biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, said. “This shift in season opener dates is an effort to distribute harvest opportunity in a more equal fashion.”

Most waterfowl are migratory, moving southward as the seasons change from fall to winter. In odd years, hunters in northern Southeast Alaska will have more opportunity to harvest certain species like teal, while in even years southern Southeast will have opportunities to harvest other species like sea ducks.

For additional details on hunting regulations call your local ADF&G office. More information, including the full 2019-2020 Waterfowl Hunting Regulations (PDF) booklet can also be found online at


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