School board reorganizes after election

The Wrangell School Board met last Tuesday, Oct. 8, to reorganize after the borough's Oct. 1 election. The election saw three new people take positions on the board, Patty Gilbert, Jeanie Arnold, and Beth Heller, and also saw the re-election of Board Member David Wilson. After holding an early orientation session for the new members, the regular meeting was called to order.

Board Member Aaron Angerman was elected to the position of school board president. Later in the meeting, he was also made the school board liaison for student representative. Gilbert, who was not present, was made the vice president. Arnold was made the board's secretary, and Georgianna Buhler was made the school board parliamentarian.

"It's nice to see so many collaborative people, some new faces, and parents like me who are looking to make our school even better than it already is, or our district, I should say," said Ryan Howe, who spoke during the public comment section of the meeting. "As a representative of the teacher's union I want to say thank you, and we look forward to collaborating with you."

During the meeting, the school board also reviewed the district's crisis plan, which was revised on Aug. 26. The crisis plan serves as a guideline for teachers and school staff to follow in the event of a number of unexpected events, ranging from allergic reactions, to hostile intruders, to severe storms. The school board also approved the acceptance of two checks from the "Healthy Is Here" grant for the E.A.T.S. Garden and the high school swim team.

"I would like to welcome everyone to the board," said Angerman before adjourning the meeting. "I'm excited to work with everyone here."


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