Police report

October 21

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for speed.


Traffic stop: Verbal warning for equipment failure.

Citizen assist: Civil standby.

October 22

Parking complaint.

Suspicious person/intoxicated.

Civil disturbance, all parties were advised.

Agency assist: Pre-Trial.

Criminal trespass/theft.

October 23

Citizen assist.

Illegal parking.

Citizen assist.


Civil standby.

Citizen assist.

October 24

Parking complaint.

Paper service: Writ of assistance.


Civil standby.


Arrested: Tangles Hilton, 48, on charges of assault IV.

Noise complaint.

October 25

Agency assist: Alarm.

Summons service.

Kelly Bullard charged with VCOR.

Citizen assist.

Civil standby.

Civil standby.

Traffic stop verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Noise complaint.

Property check, all was fine.

October 26

Assault IV/criminal trespass: Arrested Daniel Meissner, 35, on charges of assault IV, criminal trespass, and VCOR.

Report of theft.

Found property.

Traffic stop citation issued to Victoria Garcia, 33, for failure to provide proof of insurance.

Disturbance: Parties left the area.

October 27

Report of assault.

Civil assist.

Criminal trespass: Person was gone on arrival.

Suspicious circumstance.

Traffic stop.

October 28

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for speed.


Traffic stop: Verbal warning for equipment failure.

Citizen assist: Civil standby.


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