Veterans Day assembly held at Wrangell High School

Wrangell High School hosted a special assembly on Tuesday, Nov. 12, for Veteran's Day. Wrangell veterans were escorted into the gymnasium by members of the Wrangell Wolves wrestling team. The third grade class from Evergreen Elementary opened the ceremony with the Alaska Flag Song and the Wrangell Song, which was followed by the presentation of the colors by Girl Scout Troop 26. The high school choir sang the National Anthem and student Jing O'Brien led a moment of silence.

The assembly was filled with more music by the choir and high school band. Several middle school and high school students also read excerpts from historic speeches by presidents and generals. There was a second moment of silence, too, dedicated to the fallen of World War One. Last Monday, Nov. 11, marked the 101st anniversary of World War One coming to an end.

The approximately 15 veterans present at the assembly were also asked to stand as the song of their respective branches was played, receiving applause from the crowd. The assembly was brought to a close with a Taps medley by the band.

"Students, you think I'm old? Those gentlemen make me look like I'm very young," Principal David Macri said at the close of the assembly. "They know a little bit more than I do, trust me. Take your time to get to know these folks."


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