Wolves wrestlers take top 10 spots at ACS tournament

The Wrangell Wolves went north to Anchorage last week for the annual ACS Denali Auto Glass Invitational Tournament. There were

33 teams competing in this tournament, making it one of the biggest tournaments Wrangell High School competes in. Wrangell finished the tournament in sixth place, with a total of 116 points. On the Wolves' Facebook Page, Assistant Coach Jack Carney said that while they took sixth overall, they were third place among 2A schools.

Individually, several wrestlers also made strong showings. In the Varsity 119 bracket, Jonah Comstock took third place. In the Varsity 125 bracket, Ryan Rooney took second place. In the Varsity 152 bracket, Hunter Wiederspohn took second place. In the Varsity 160 bracket, James Shilts took fifth place. In the Varsity 171 bracket, Rowen Wiederspohn took fifth place.

Liana Carney was the only female wrestler for Wrangell who attended the ACS tournament.

She took first place in the Varsity 119G bracket.

She won by fall over Alysa Stigall, of Lathrop.

In the second round, she won by fall over Tommy Tebbits of Noorvik. She then won matches against Leslie McCarty of Metlakatla in the quarterfinals and Grace Stigen of Colony High School. Finally, she won the first place match by fall over Autumn Poland of Lathrop.

Coach Carney mentioned that this was the second year in a row that Wrangell had three wrestlers become ACS finalists, and also the second year for an individual champion at ACS. Ryan Rooney was the 2018 individual champion for Wrangell.

The Wolves will be heading to Sitka on Nov. 22 and 23, taking a weekend off this week to rest and regroup for the second half of the season.

"We're very happy with how the team performed and have a better idea of what needs to happen to

get everyone a little higher on the podium,"

Coach Carney said in a text message. "The season isn't even halfway over, so there is a lot of work to do still."


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