The Way We Were

­­­November 20 , 1919

A special mail route between Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg and Doyhoff has been established in accordance with announcement made by the Postoffice department three months ago, and published in the Sentinel. The new route was established to give additional mail service to Wrangell and Petersburg during the winter months (November 1 to March 31). The power boat that has been placed on the run left Ketchikan on its first trip last Thursday morning and reached here Thursday evening.

November 17, 1944

The following announcement from Mrs. Mildred R. Hermann, Alaska director of OPA, has been received by the Wrangell War Price and Rationing board: “Effective Tuesday, November 7, all beef cuts sold at retail in all the larger Alaskan communities are placed under specific prices replacing former ceilings established by individual markets on the basis of the mark-up during the month preceding Pearl Harbor. This is the first price schedule to be set on fresh meats, though specific prices have already been set for over 2000 food and household supply items sold in grocery stores.“

November 20, 1969

A special Chamber of Commerce board meeting was held Friday night in the continuing effort to get a resident doctor for Wrangell. Discussions centered on incentives which Wrangell could provide for a doctor interested in coming here. The board compiled a folio of pictures and information about Wrangell and sent it to a Dr. John Abbott in Longbeach, Wash. Dr. Abbott has been in practice for six or seven years and wrote that he would like to move to Alaska. The board is awaiting his reply.

November 17, 1994

Kray Van Kirk, will be performing in Wrangell Sunday evening at 7 at the Presbyterian Church. His concerts are a weave of traditional Celtic Music, sailing songs, and sea chanteys, a few covers and some early blues, as well as his originals.

“I grew up listening to Pete Seeger, Gordon Lighfoot and the Chieftains,” he notes, “so I’m very much in the folk tradition.” He is especially fond of the twelve-string guitar, which he describes as a cross between a penny whistle and a bull. Van Kirk tours year round dividing his time between club shows and more formal concerts. ­­­


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