Police report

November 11

Paper Service: 86’d letter.

November 12

Counterfeit Money.

86’d Notice.

Abandoned Vehicle.

MVA- City Vehicle.

Illegal Parking.

Suspicious Circumstance.

November 13

Domestic/Civil Issue.

Noise Complaint.

November 14

Burglary Alarm.


Vacation Check.

Two Criminal Mischief reports.

Welfare Check.

Catering Permit.

Two 86’d Notices.

Noise Complaint.

November 15


Stalking Order Service.

Abandoned Scooter.

Suspicious Circumstance.

November 16

Suspicious Vehicle.

Assault DV.

Two instances of MICS.

Citizen Assist.

Agency Assist: Summons Service.

Citations issued to Cary Emens, 52, for Driving while Revoked, and no Proof of insurance, Verbal warning for speed.

Agency Assist: USFS.

Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for headlights.

During this reporting period there were two animal complaints, two EMT calls and six subpoenas served.


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