The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

November 27 , 1919

The Town of Wrangell is now prepared to furnish free vaccination against smallpox. The importance of vaccination is urged. Those who have not been vaccinated in the past two years are requested to call at the office of Dr S. C. Shurick, Health officer.

November 24, 1944

Pre-Holiday turkey

shoppers will find the retail ceiling prices on turkeys have been revised over those in effect last year, according to a statement made today by

Donald O’Conner, Territorial price executive, for the Office of Price Administration. Dressed young turkeys will tend to be slightly less and at one price per pound whether light, medium or heavy birds. This simplifies pricing requirements for

dealers too. The ceiling prices on drawn and quick frozen eviscerated turkeys in light, medium or heavy weights had to be adjusted upward to reflect increased wholesale costs to dealers. This increase however has been held to a minimum in figuring the revised ceilings, by taking advantage of the decrease in surcharge and other acquisition costs from those prevailing last year, Mr. O’Conner said.

November 27, 1969

The City of Wrangell has begun a campaign to rid the town of abandoned vehicles. Councilman Castle said the first cars to be picked up will be those parked on streets and city property. The city also has the right to pick up unlicensed cars which are on private property, although this has not yet been done. The city is selling the abandoned vehicles to Virgil Byford, local salvage dealer. Byford pays $25 per car and tows them away for the city.

December 1, 1994

About 30 Wrangell citizens, including most of the City Council, met Tuesday night at Wrangell High School commons to identify a capital projects list. Moved up from the previously scheduled Dec. 6 date, Mayor Ray McGurk called for a discussion to see what the community wanted submitted to the legislature but was trying to get a list submitted to Gov. Walter Hickel so the list could be considered by the transition team prior to the inauguration of the new governor. In addition to considering a list previously made by the Council, which included a prioritized list approved by Wrangell’s School Board, discussion centered around ways in which other Alaska cities were presenting their capital project lists. In the “brain-storming” discussion, categories considered included education, economic development, health and safety, transportation, ports and harbors, historical and cultural, social services and regional needs. Many solutions to problems and sources of funds were discussed as well as identification of projects to submit to the legislature.


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