Police report

December 9

Stolen vehicle: Unfounded.

December 10

Citizen assist.

Summons service.

Citizen assist: Unlock vehicle.

Courtesy transport.

Agency assist: Hospital.

December 11

Trespass warning.

Citizen assist.


December 12

Citizen assist.

Agency assist: Random breath test.

December 13

Citizen assist.

VCOR: Alan Cummings, 32, arrested on charges of unlawful contact.

Hit and run: Unfounded.

Unlawful passing in school bus zone.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment and driving habits.

Citizen report of DUI: Unfounded.

December 14

Suspicious circumstance.

Agency assist: USFS traffic stop, verbal warning.

Theodosia James, 45, arrested on charges of VCOR/Disorderly conduct.

Possible gunshot.

December 15

Welfare check: All was good.

Theft: Unfounded.

Found property and returned to owner.

During this reporting period there were four calls for EMS.


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