The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

January 15, 1920 At the regular monthly meeting of the town council held last Thursday evening an ordinance providing for a municipal magistrate for the town of Wrangell was proposed. After some discussion of the subject the council decided to submit the matter to the voters of Wrangell at the annual municipal election which will be held the first Tuesday in April.

January 19, 1945 George Coplen, regional representative of the national housing agency, was in Wrangell earlier this week making a survey of Alaska towns to discover the need for release of critical materials for civilian housing. Meeting with civic leaders at the special session at the Fire Hall, Mr. Coplen explained that due to the prolongation of the European war, a tightening of restrictions is necessary, but that some civilian housing is possible where really needed. He said that Gov. Gruening had recommended a survey of Wrangell, and that after looking over the situation and talking with the mayor, and other townspeople, he would recommend that 10-12 units be authorized at a maximum cost of $7500 each.

January 22, 1970 Everett Buness has been appointed to replace Frank Murkowski as Alaska’s commissioner of Economic Development. Buness, whose accounting, insurance and real estate office is in Wrangell, has been deputy commissioner since spring of 1967. He was appointed acting commissioner by Governor Miller when Murkowski resigned last Thursday.

January 19, 1995 Dr. Ell Sorenson, superintendent of schools, gave a report on student counts to the board that showed a smaller drop in attendance than was feared when it was first learned that the APC mill was closing. The sharp decline from 567 students when school started had not materialized, said Sorenson. As of Jan. 10, a count showed 260 elementary, 153 middle school and 136 high school students, totaling 549.


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