2020 SE Alaska Shrimp Permits Are Now Available Online

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game reminds anglers that the 2020 sport shrimp permits are now available online. The 2020 Subsistence and Personal Use permits are also available online at: https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/Store/. 2019 permit holders are reminded that the 2019 permits must be returned either by reporting online at https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/Harvest/ or returning the printed permit to the nearest ADF&G office, even if you did not shrimp in 2019, before obtaining a 2020 permit.

Non-Resident Anglers and Residents wishing to fish a sport permit:

The Southeast Sport Shrimp Permit is free and is required for anglers participating in the Southeast Alaska sport shrimp fishery. Permit holders must sign their permit in ink to make it valid and have the permit in their possession while taking part in sport shrimp fisheries in Southeast Alaska. Reporting of effort and harvest is required and permits must be submitted to the department even if you did not fish. Anglers are reminded to report their 2019 permits by January 15, 2020.

Information pertaining to limits and gear requirements for the Southeast Alaska sport shrimp fishery are provided on the permit and can also be found on pages 33-36 of the 2020 Southeast Alaska Sport Fishing Regulations Summary orat: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=fishregulations.se_sportfish. Sport permits can be obtained from the ADF&G online store at https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/Store/, or from ADF&G offices in Juneau (465-4270), Ketchikan (225-2859), Sitka (747-5355), Haines (766-3638), Craig, (826-2498) Petersburg (772-5228), Wrangell (874-3822) or Yakutat (784-3222).

Alaska Resident Anglers

The sport shrimp fishery is open to all anglers but Alaska resident anglers typically fish under less restrictive subsistence or personal use shrimp regulations. Alaska resident anglers participating in a Southeast Alaska subsistence or personal use shrimp fishery are required to obtain a free Southeast Alaska and Yakutat Subsistence and Personal Use Shrimp Permit. This permit may also be obtained at the

ADF&G online store or from ADF&G area offices.


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