Jury summonses by email in Alaska

When Alaskans are summoned for jury service, they fill out and return a questionnaire that allows court personnel to qualify, defer, or excuse them from service. After historically sending these documents in the mail, the court has switched to using email to send them. By November of 2019, courts statewide were sending these jury documents by email.

Potential juror email addresses are provided by the Permanent Fund Dividend office, as is all other potential juror information. If the email is not responded to, the court mails a postcard.

Emailing jury summonses is another way the court system is reducing expenses and improving efficiencies for jurors and court staff.

Always check emails to make sure links go to courts.alaska.gov and not a fake page. The Alaska Court System is not aware of any phishing or scams on Alaskan jurors by email, but there have been many instances in which scammers call Alaskans asking for fine payments, which the court system does not do. The login screen for the online juror questionnaire asks for the last four digits of a potential juror's social security number, but not the entire number.

If you have concerns about the legitimacy of a particular summons, contact your local court or visit https://courts.alaska.gov/jury.


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