Wolves take two losses against Glacier Bears

The Wrangell Wolves faced two losses to the Haines Glacier Bears last weekend, Jan. 24 and 25. According to Jenn Miller-Yancey, who accompanied the team on their trip to Haines, travel was a bit of a hassle this weekend due to bad weather. The games continued on schedule, however, and while they did not win, the Wolves played hard.

On Friday, the first game opened with the Glacier Bears taking a 10-point lead in the first quarter at 18-8. Haines continued to expand their lead through the game, despite Wrangell's best efforts to catch up. The score in the second quarter was 34-17, and 45-25 in the third quarter. The final score for the game was 56-39, a win for Haines.

Saturday's game was more of the same. Haines took a commanding lead in the first quarter, and while the Wolves played hard they could not manage to catch up. The Wolves made a comeback in the fourth quarter, making a total of 16 points, but by then the Glacier Bears were too far ahead for it to make much of a difference. The final score was 52-34, another loss for Wrangell.

Coach Cody Angerman complimented Haines on their team, saying they were very tough opponents with a strong basketball program. He added that while they did not win, his players did show improvement from previous games. He is working with them to really focus and commit each moment of the game, aiming to win games one quarter at a time.

"You can't take a play off, you can't take a quarter off," he said.

The Wolves were delayed in getting home after the games, due to the MV Matanuska being unexpectedly held up for repairs. They caught a charter to Juneau with Allen Marine on Monday evening, Jan. 27, and from there took the morning flight back to Wrangell on Tuesday.

"I've never experienced something like this, traveling here," Angerman said on Monday afternoon, adding that he was eager to get out of the snow and back to Wrangell.

The Wolves will be going up against Craig this weekend, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1.


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