Evergreen Elementary recognized at ESEA Conference

In December of 2019, Evergreen Elementary School was recognized as a "Distinguished School" by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Distinguished Schools Recognition Program. Evergreen Elementary was recognized for excellence in serving special populations of students.

This past week, several representatives for Evergreen Elementary took part in the

national ESEA conference in Atlanta, Georgia, where the school was officially recognized. Pictured here (left to right) are Lorna Salchenberg, Jenn Miller-Yancey, Ryan Howe, Mikki Angerman, and Dani Lewis.

"Our Evergreen Elementary staff has worked as a team for many years," Superintendent Debbe Lancaster wrote in a Facebook post on Feb. 5. "Because of their collaborative efforts and teamwork, they have increased student achievement through increasing literacy, closing achievement gaps, and providing support to all students through Title IA funded opportunities."


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