The Way We Were

February 13, 1920

It was 16 years ago that Bishop Rowe made his first visit to Wrangell. This year also marks the completion of his 25 years of service as Bishop of Alaska.

February 9, 1945

On February 2 the Girl’s Pep Club gave their first party of the year. The high school and faculty were present, with the addition of a few eighth graders who got in quite by accident. Some of the high school girls thought that they were back down stairs when they played “ The Farmer in the Dell.” A fast game of “Steal the Bacon” and “Musical Chairs” were played for over an hour. Christine was exceptionally adept in getting into those chairs. The broom dance was played several times during the evening. The same broken broom was used again. Bountiful refreshments were two kinds of sandwiches, two kinds of jello, three kinds of cookies and hot chocolate. The party ended with great success with no bones or records broken.

February 12, 1970

WPTV, Wrangell’s cable television station, is running into static from a number of dissatisfied customers. Recently, a petition was circulated among subscribers, asking for discontinuance of service until such a time that the station provided quality programming and lived up to its promises made when it was first coming into the city. Over 150 signatures were on the petition. Meanwhile the dissidents appear to be having their own problems as many signers continue to subscribe to WPTV. They claim that the service has improved, whereas their co-signers insist that it has not. WPTV has discontinued service only to those subscribers who have called or written individually. Hilmer (Lefty) Johnson, station manager for WPTV in Wrangell, would not comment on how many people have discontinued service. Private citizens have called a meeting on the matter at the grade school’s multipurpose room Feb. 22.

February 9, 1994

A one-day retreat for persons interested in the creative arts is being sponsored by Wrangell Presbyterian Church February 18th. Running from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., the art workshop will be conducted as an expression and formation of spiritual life by Tim Doty, a former Alaskan, who is now a pastor in San Jose. Topics will include “Challenges and Opportunities of the Artistically Creative Person,” “ Art as a Sacred Medium” and “Art as Gift” and “Art as Commodity.”


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