P&Z commission approve permit for drive-through coffee shop

The Wrangell Planning and Zoning Commission approved a conditional use permit for a proposed business. Sara Gadd has plans to establish a drive-through coffee shop in the industrial park, at the corner of Bennett Street and Howell Avenue. This topic was brought up in the commission's previous meeting in January, but was tabled as Gadd was not present to answer questions, nor did the commission have a written agreement from the owner of the lot next to this potential business allowing driveway access.

Gadd was in attendance, and after some brief discussion the commission approved of the conditional use permit, so long as signage is put up near the coffee shop explaining that those entering the lot have right-of-way, how to line up for the drive-through, and asking drivers to use the driveway off of Howell Avenue to access the coffee shop.

The commission also approved of a final plat to subdivide land owned by Scott Young on Zimovia Highway into two lots. They also approved a conditional use permit for a bed and breakfast run out of Theresa Allen's residence on Evergreen Avenue.

The entire meeting was concluded in less than 15 minutes. The commission's next meeting is scheduled for March 5.


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