Policy Committee workshops budget policy, disposal procedures

Wrangell School District's policy committee met last Thursday afternoon, March 5, to review policies regarding the district's budget practices and disposal procedures. On the budget policy, many of the items reviewed in the workshop were in regards to simple formatting of the policy. The policy outlines, in short, that the superintendent is expected to prepare a budget plan for the school board in a timely manner during budget season, and that school staff and the public shall have opportunities to review the budget and give their input.

Another policy the committee workshopped covered the district's procedure to get rid of school property. Some of the proposed changes for the policy give the superintendent sole responsibility to determine an item's market value before continuing with the disposal process. Surplus property that the district decides to get rid of can be disposed of by selling it, making a donation to the borough, or by being declared valueless and either sent to the dump or offered to the public for free.

Other items on the agenda for the committee to review included policies about gifts, grants, and bequests, entering into contracts on behalf of the school district, and who can be an authorized signatory on checks issued by the district.


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