The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

March 18, 1920

A depredation was committed Sunday night when some miscreant tore down the Poodle Dog Cafe’s sign and also capsized the pails containing small trees in front of the building. If the depredator is apprehended he will learn that such acts committed on either public or private property is an expensive pastime in Wrangell.

March 16, 1945

In line with the recently announced policy of planning a more efficient hospital, the board has authorized alterations at Bishop Rowe General hospital to make the institution more compact and easier for the staff to handle. All patients are to be on the first floor, and the X-ray equipment and surgery will be there also. The need for registered nurses is still a big problem, however, and anyone knowing of a person qualified for the job is asked to urge her to come to Wrangell.

March 19, 1970

The Chamber of Commerce rescheduled its regular meeting this week in order to include a program by Atlantic Richfield representatives. The meeting, normally held Thursday at Aunt Winnie’s Cafe, was moved up to Wednesday noon. Charles Barkos, Tom Brennan and Bob Barker presented a program featuring a talk by Barker and a question and answer session. The discussion centered around the history of oil exploration in Alaska and future plans for development. Also brought up was the amount of revenue the state would derive from the Prudhoe Bay field and the amount now derived in royalties from the existing Cook Inlet fields. ARCO’s visit to Wrangell is part of a program by the company to present the oil side of the conservation question. The rest of the chamber’s meeting was very brief. The minutes were read and the main topic was the upcoming game between the Lions and the Chamber of Commerce, to be held at the school gym tomorrow night.

March 23,1995

Winter’s End Celebration of the Arts will feature performances by Evergreen Elementary students, an open house of the interim arts and crafts workroom and a sing along. The celebration will be March 30 through April 1. Elementary students will present ballet, piano and art, 7 p.m. March 30 at Evergreen gym. Saturday’s April Fool’s Day sing along, beginning 7 p.m. in Evergreen Elementary gym, will feature the Spring Fever Blues Band. Expect to sing music to the Beatles, rhythm and blues, and other music from the 60s and 70s era. Already signed up for the band are Marc Jones, Cindy Martin, Mark Olson, Zo Sherman, Peter Helgeson, Karen Morse, Doug Schwartz and Joe Rizzo.


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