Police report


In the March 19 edition of the Sentinel, we printed the police log supplied by the Wrangell Police Department which was a year old. Two weeks of the police log appear below.

March 09

Citizen Assist.

Animal Complaint: Injured doe.

March 10

Nothing to report.

March 11

Driving Revoked: Citation issued to Taylor Stavee.

Paper Service.


March 12


Agency Assist: Wrangell Medical Center.

Disorderly Conduct.

Summons Service.

March 13

Agency Assist: Alarm.

Agency Assist: Hoonah PD.

Traffic Stop: Mathew Gerald, 47, charged for failure to provide proof of insurance.

Citizen Report: Gary Hamley, 38, charged with Driving Under the Influence.

Agency Assist: Ambulance.

March 14

Agency Assist: Hoonah PD.

March 15

Citizen Report: DUI.

Suspicious Person.

Citizen Report: DUI.

Agency Assist: Road Debris.

Traffic Complaint.

During this reporting period there were four additional Traffic Stops and two Civil Issues.

March 16

Suspicious Vehicle.

Citizen Assist.

Aggressive Dogs.

Agency Assist: Alaska State Troopers.

Citizen Assist: Vehicle Unlock.

Dog Complaint.

Suspicious Activity.

Courtesy Transport.

March 17

Welfare Check.


Letter for Food Service x 9.

Suspicious Circumstance.

March 18

Paper Service.

Paper Service.

March 19

Citizen Assist: Vehicle Unlocked.

Agency Assist: Paper Service.

Welfare Check.


March 20

Traffic Stop: Brendon Kenfield, age 24, Citation for speeding issued.

Agency Assist: Fire Department.

Agency Assist: USFS.

Welfare Check.

Citizen Assist: Vehicle Unlock.

March 21

Animal Complaint.

Trespass: Civil Matter.

March 22

Citizen Assist.

Suspicious Circumstance.

Agency Assist: Public Works.



Agency Assist: Ambulance.


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