The Way We Were

April 1, 1920

E.A. Rasmussen, president of the Bank of Alaska returned home from a business trip to the States having gone east as far as New York where he saw a number of the stockholders of his institution. Mr. Rasmussen had a rather exciting time on the steamer voyage. While his ship was in Wrangell he took advantage of the opportunity thus afforded of visiting the Bank of Alaska’s branch at the port, and while in the bank the Princess pulled out and left him. The Spokane being in port and Northbound he went aboard, and as the Mary was compelled to anchor in the Narrows while awaiting the turn of the tide, the Spokane overtook her there and he was taken on board the Mary in one of that ship’s boats.

April 6, 1945

Wrangell this summer will have an air terminal of the Wrangell-Petersburg Air Service with a full-time pilot on the job, according to announcement of Tony Schwamm, operator of the company. W.S. Wood, formerly with the Army ferry command and a former instructor at a B-29 school in Washington, arrived in Petersburg this week to start flying for the Wrangell-Petersburg Air Service and with Mrs. Wood will move to Wrangell as soon as hangar facilities are completed. Wood is a thoroughly experienced flyer with many hundreds of hours chalked up in his log book. With his permanant headquarters here. It is planned to give Wrangell a twice-a-week service by air to Kake, Pillar Bay, Tyee and Saginaw Bay besides charter trips and daily trips to Petersburg. A new transmitter has been installed in the Wrangell hotel and Schwamm said work is being started on a similar station in Kake.

April 2, 1970

Ed Scholtz, assistant to the president of Sheldon Jackson College, will be a guest speaker at the Presbyterian Church Sunday April 5. He also will be speaking at the Wrangell High School on Monday. Scholtz will preach at the 11 a.m. service at the Presbyterian Church and speak on the program of Sheldon Jackson College at a potluck dinner at 5:30 p.m. High school students who are interested in going to college are particularly invited to the potluck dinner as guests of the church, the Rev. John Rogers said. Sheldon Jackson College is a two-year college offering credits that are transferable to other accredited colleges and universities. Besides a liberal arts program in commercial flying, computer training, secretarial science, forestry management, logging management, and fish and game management. Persons interested in any of these programs can get in touch with Scholz on Sunday or Monday.

April 6, 1995

Tourist season ‘95 opens for Wrangell Island Saturday when the 192-foot vessel Spirit of ‘98 docks with about 100 passengers. Operated by Alaska Sightseeing/Cruise West, the 96-ton ship is expected to dock at 7:45 a.m. and remain in port until 2 p.m. Spirit of ‘98 will be back in Wrangell April 18 and 28. Crown Dynasty is expected in Wrangell April 17.


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