P&Z Commission gives final plat approval for land swap

The Wrangell Planning and Zoning Commission met remotely last Thursday evening, April 9, to give final plat approval of various land surveys for a proposed land swap between Alaska Mental Health and the Forest Service. Preliminary plats were approved back in 2018, according to the meeting's agenda packet. The land surveys, No. 2018-9, 10, and 11, were all approved by the commission. Survey 2018-10, however, was approved with some conditions. The City and Borough of Wrangell gets to record an easement document through Lot 26, USS 3403, and the Alaska Mental Trust Authority gets to record an easement document through Lot 14, South Wrangell Subdivision and Lot 23, USS 2900.

"Once the final plats are approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the 3 Plats and the 2 easement documents will go to the Assembly for approval," the agenda packet reads. "The easements will be recorded prior to the plats being recorded in order to include the recorded document numbers of the easements on the plat."

During the meeting, the commission also held a public hearing for a conditional use permit, requested by Allen and Deanna Reeves. The Reeves family was seeking the permit to use a residence next to their primary home, at 4 mile Zimovia Highway, as a short term vacation rental unit. The commission approved of this permit request, on the condition the family provides guests guidance on behavior and limiting noise to not disrupt neighbors.


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