Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

As we grapple with COVID 19 and our Town Council considers more restrictions there are a number of things folks need to know. For the time being I don't see the need for further restrictions. Not that I don't care, I do. My friends are out there on the front lines as well as my family. But I refuse to live in abject fear and panic. A little fear in crisis is a good thing but an over abundance is quite destructive. Wars are lost and nations have collapsed from fear.

The 'Curve' is leveling, there is light. Countries are reopening, there is hope. We need to be aware of what restrictions we are living under now. Our 'curve' is flat as we have not had a case. It is clearly stated that these State Mandates supersede local government and tribal mandates, directives and orders. The Mandates are working and will continue, they are mostly common sense. The Mandates contain exceptions for 'Critical Infrastructure' businesses and workers. Attachment 'A' states Functioning critical infrastructure is imperative during the response to the COVID 19 emergency for both public health and safety as well as community well being. Certain critical infrastructure industries have a special responsibility in these times to continue operations.

What will happen to us if we continue down a deepening hole of financial collapse? We need to have vision now and not create a crushed economy and all the suffering that would result. If we continue to further restrict in fear 12% plus sales tax and possibly 18 mil plus property taxes are probable. They will be forever. I spend a fair amount of time in a town that has 15% sales tax, every time you fuel up or buy groceries or anything, you notice in Canada.

We can work within current restrictions more than we are and with a flat curve be ready to lead ourselves back. The curves are moving in the right direction, there is light. Many in our leadership are already planning a way back, good for them, good for us.

Five countries are reopening and working at coming back as their curves go down. We're lucky and have a flat 'curve', perhaps we too should have the vision to loosen up as we can and plan coming back. Hopefully before our season starts we can lead a reopening and comeback. Talk to your elected leadership, tell them not to live in fear but rather ready ourselves for the inevitable passing of this scourge and let's work as we can and get back to it - remember Roosevelt's words.

Mike Lockabey


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