The Way We Were

April 22, 1920

Postmaster Stedman has received a considerable quantity of garden and flower seeds from Delegate George B. Grigsby for distribution. These are the seeds furnished by the Department of Agriculture and are of good quality. Anyone desiring some of these seeds may obtain them by calling at the post office.

April 27, 1945

Touring Southeastern Alaska, a Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce goodwill party arrived here last Saturday morning for a brief stay before flying on to Petersberg, Sitka and Juneau. While here, they met with members of the local Chamber and discussed matters of interest to both towns, and Southeastern Alaska generally, including intra-Alaska airway systems and proposed working together to further the betterment of this area after the war. The goodwill party included A.M. Spaeth, Ralph A. Bartholomew, W.C. Stump and Hugo Schmolck. They were traveling via Ellis Air Line plane.

April 23, 1970

It was announced today by the First Chair of America, a national honor recognition organization of school bands, orchestras and choruses that Laura Fennimore, a student of Don Riach, has been selected as a member of the 1970 United States of America School Band and Chorus. The selection was made on the basis of quality performance by the student and outstanding technique done by the director as acclaimed by the State Counsellors for First Chair of America in this state. The band and chorus as performing organization will travel to England, Ireland and Scotland the latter part of June and to the middle of July.

April 20, 1995

BIG TANK, holding 30,000 gallons of propane, has been installed at Arrowhead LP Gas on Front Street. Greg McCormack, speaking at the April 11 City Council meeting, said the tank has been set up at least 50 feet away from any street route and meets all safety requirements, with additional safety features the tanks which it replaced had lacked. Arrowhead LP Gas has installed a variety of protective barriers to prevent access by any potentially damaging vehicle. The recently installed system features automatic shutoff valves in the event any pipe fitting should break.


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