Sentinel places 3rd as best weekly

The Wrangell Sentinel has again been named among the best weekly newspapers in Alaska according to the Alaska Press Club, which announced winners of its annual contest for 2019 over the weekend.

The Cordova Times placed first in the category, Petersburg Pilot, second and Wrangell Sentinel, third.

Tawney Crowley placed second in the best illustration or graphic. Her entry was titled, "The greatest bite of all time."

Judges commented: "Nice work. I can see the illustrator had fun with this concept and it's refreshing to see hand drawn illustrations these days."

Judges commented on Petersburg Pilot's best weekly award: "Local sports and opinion pieces/letters to the editor are essential for a community newspaper."

Brian Varela took third place for his sports photo of a PHS baseball player making a diving catch.

Varela placed third with his profile piece, featuring veteran Stan Eilenburger who responded to the Cuban missile crisis during his service with the U.S. Army.

In the business reporting category Varela again placed third for his story titled, "Crab run outshines salmon harvest in S.E." Judges commented: "Great job making sense of a ton of numbers and prices."


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