The Way We Were

April 29, 1920

Daniel Baker, the affable young traveling representative of the Western Dry Goods company, was a pleasant caller at the Sentinel Office yesterday. Mr. Baker does not, of course, ever expect to sell the Sentinel any dry goods (regardless of how much we may need them,) but he has to come down Front street as far as Captain Jinks store anyway. Then after he has sold Jinks a bill of goods he comes across the street and lets the Sentinel force enjoy the sunshine of his smiling countenance. Baker is no pessimist, and we surely like him, but he is rather peculiar in his tastes. Yesterday he took a snapshot of Jinks, and then when he was over our way seemed to have forgotten that he had a kodak with him.

April 27, 1945

Boy scouts from Wrangell will leave in May for a camping trip to Annette Island, sponsored by the Ketchikan Scout troop for troops of Southeastern Alaska. The arrangements are being handled here by a committee of Elks, including F. G. Hanford, chairman, Dick Moore and Olaf Hansen. Camp Annette is situated on Annette Island Army base, but well separated from the present base. The camping period will be for ten days, May 26 to June 4. A meeting is to be held Monday night at the Fire Hall with the local committee and scouts attending to make plans for the trip. Parents interested in Scout work are cordially invited to attend.

April 30, 1970

You are anchored up for the evening in some secluded cove miles from Wrangell, or just trolling along the shoreline of an unnamed island without another boat or man in sight. Suddenly your solitude is broken by the buzzing of a motor. A light float plane swoops down, circles your boat, then disappears over the hill or down the channel. No, it’s not some hotshot flyboy trying to be funny, it’s just Chuck Traylor or one of his Stikine Air Service planes checking to see if you are okay as he goes by to a logging camp or on a charter flight. It gives you a secure feeling and makes life seem just a bit better.

April 27, 1995

Beta Sigma Phis in Wrangell and around the world gather Sunday to celebrate Founder’s Day, a traditional celebration that will this year honor the 64th year of the largest women’s social, service and cultural organization of the world. There are now 250,000 members active in chapters in 20 countries throughout the world. Founder’s Day celebration for this area will be Saturday at the Wrangell Elks Lodge. The anniversary will be observed by XiPhi chapter, which meets the first Saturday of each month. Some local Beta Sigma Phi projects include Teddy Bear program,Mother/Daughter Tea and Little League.


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