The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

May 13, 1920

Two reels of marvelous pictures of the La Conte glacier and the Dease Lake country filmed by Richard Suratt were shown at the Rex Theatre last night, so that the crowd of visitors in town might have a better understanding of the scenic grandeur awaiting them.

May 11, 1945

Wrangell High actors and actresses are busy practicing for the play “Spring Fever” to be given tonight. The

play is full of the spirit of youth with its adolescent growing pains. Marion Nielsen as the mother of three, Patty Devenny as the maiden aunt, Shirley McCormack as the fond mother of Baby “Bobkins” Bill Binkley as athletic coach, Rhoda Hanford as the little sister, and Lilly Broad, Margaret Rose Ritchie, Roy Churchill, Gordon Mason and Lloyd Rhinehart make up the cast.

May 14, 1970

At its state convention in Fairbanks, May 1 and 2, the Alaska Federation of Women’s Clubs installed Mrs. Barbara Klink as its third vice president. Mrs. Klink, the secretary at the elementary school here, is the wife of Wrangell Police Chief William Klink. During the convention, the Sears Foundation awarded certificates to outstanding women’s clubs in its Community Improvement Program. The Wrangell Women’s Civic Club received a note of achievement for its work in this area.

May 18, 1995

Sherry Preston of Wrangell has just had an original poetry published in Journey of the Mind, a treasury of today’s poetry compiled by The National Library of Poetry. The poem is entitled Forever Free and the main subject is nature. The National Library of Poetry seeks to discover and encourage poets like Preston by sponsoring contests that are open to the public and by publishing poems in widely distributed hardback volumes. Preston has been writing for three years and her favorite subjects are nature and beauty.


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