Reopen Wrangell Task Force holds first in-person meeting

The Reopen Wrangell Task Force met last Monday afternoon to discuss ways the group can help local businesses make it through the COVID-19 pandemic. This was the first "in person" meeting of the task force, held out in the lawn by City Hall. Participants stayed socially distanced and wore face masks, while other members of the group participated via web conference.

During the meeting, Jamie Roberts led a discussion about current state guidelines for reopening Alaska. The state announced "Phase 2" of reopening on May 8, allowing for further loosening of pandemic restrictions and reopening of more businesses. There are five phases in total, according to the state COVID-19 website. Assuming the virus does not grow worse in Alaska, the reopening plan will be moved to further phases at regular intervals.

Phase 2 opens up further access to businesses that are already open, Roberts said. For example, restaurants can now allow in 50 percent of their seating capacity for sit-in dining instead of 25 percent. Face masks are no longer required for staff and patrons to wear either. The new wording says that face masks are strongly recommended. They are still required in personal care businesses such as salons, she clarified.

"We also saw the addition of other infrastructure being able to open," Roberts said. "So bars, museums, libraries, gyms, bingo halls, bowling alleys, and then another addition this weekend was youth sports and athletics."

Roberts reiterated for the task force that there are currently no quarantine requirements for intrastate travel. Out of state travelers are required to quarantine themselves for a two week period, but those traveling within Alaska do not have to do so. Intrastate travel is prohibited except for critical workforce or essential personal needs, she said. She also added that people can expect new updates regarding intrastate travel to come down from the state within the next week.

It was also announced in the meeting that the task force would be holding a Q&A session on Friday, May 15. Local businesses and the wider public are invited to come by the downtown pavilion, beginning at 1 p.m., to seek information on reopening plans, disinfectant protocols, mandate requirements, and business resources.

Other items covered in the meeting included discussion of a "mask cash" program to promote shopping locally, future surveys, putting out better signage for store windows, and other avenues of spreading information, including local media.


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