The Way We Were

May 20, 1920

The Wrangell School Board has decided to increase the faculty to six teachers next year. Four of them have already been elected. They are as follows: Miss May Crosno, principal: Miss Ann O’Connor, Miss J. O’Connor, and Miss Jessica Don Carlos. The board has decided upon a ten month’s term. There will be 38 weeks of actual teaching, with one week of vacation at Christmas and another at Easter. It is reported that the committee appointed by the council to confer with the school board have decided to report favorably on the building of an addition to the schoolhouse. The addition will be 26x46 and will consist of two rooms separated by folding doors. One room will be used for school and the other for manual training.

May 25, 1945

Word has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson that their daughter, Carol, born and raised in Wrangell, has been promoted in the WACs to Lieutenant. To make it a happier occasion, Lt. Ferguson received her promotion on

V-E day, cause for celebration itself. She is stationed in France doing specialized work in the

WAC medical corps. In her letter Lt. Ferguson stated that even though the war in Europe was finished, she expected to remain there some time yet, and indicated she would stay in the service. I’m going to see this war through to the complete finish, she told her parents.

May 21, 1970

Home on leave is

Jack Oskolkoff. He is returning from two years duty in Japan. During the last year he has been to Vietnam twice, operating gunboats off the coast in Operation Market Time. The boats also were used as support fire for shore action. The ship he was on also participated in mine sweeping operations with other members of SEATO.

He will leave Wrangell for California on May 22.

May 18, 1995

With visits to the area behind them, including scheduled opportunities for citizens to witness interviews with the city council, it is expected one of three men will be ready to move to Wrangell after the council meets in executive session 7 p.m. today to name the new city manager. Finalists, who have been in town Wednesday and today, are Gary A. Lewis of Palmer, Gary Williams of Anchorage and William D. Jones of Ketchikan. Twenty-eight applicants originally applied for the position, vacated by Duane Gasaway’s resignation in early March.


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