The Way We Were

June 10, 1920

Harry Gartley does not propose to stand still while his neighbors are busy improving the appearance of their homes. He has had the roof of his house painted a brilliant red which will make it possible for incoming passengers to identify his house as soon as the steamer comes around the Elephant’s nose.

June 8, 1945

Climaxing a brief stay in Wrangell this week, members of two ATS power barges, in port a short time, held a dance at ANB hall Monday night and invited young and old of the town to be their guests. An orchestra was hired and everyone agreed that it was a great success, thanks to the efforts and hospitality of crew members.

June 11, 1970

Six Wrangell youngsters are at the Rainbow Glacier Camp at Haines this week in a camping program sponsored by Alaskan Presbyterian churches. Thirteen more local campers are scheduled to travel to Haines this Sunday followed by a third group of 20 on Sunday, Aug. 21. Those in Haines this week include Kathy Ollivant, Sue Schoonover, Margie Emde, Miles DeWitt, Nancy Zenger and Laura Fawcett. All are ninth and tenth graders. Mrs. Norman Schoonover accompanied them as counselor. The group is scheduled to return Sunday.

June 8, 1995

Alan Fennimore, son of Gene and Maggie Fennimore, is currently competing in the third annual hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) Chrysler Corporation’s HEV Challenge at Auburn Hills Technology Center, north of Detroit, Mich., June 5-13. Fennimore is on a Western Washington University team matching its Viking 25 against alternative-fuel vehicles from 33 other universities. A senior majoring in Industrial Technology, Fennimore is assistant project manager and has worked on various aspects of Viking 25. Specializing in automotive design, Fennimore has devoted one year and nine months on Viking car projects. His contributions to the project include conversion of the stock engine to a dedicated natural gas engine, fabrication of parts, the exhaust system, chassis modification, composite panels, dynamometer testing and interior insulating. Students at Western’s Vehicle Research Institute (VRI) internationally known for ground-up experimental vehicles and alternative-energy resource research, have taken a Chrysler-donated production Neon and converted it to run on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and electric batteries.


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