The Way We Were

June 17, 1920

The Diamond C extended its hospitality to twenty of the younger set last Sunday whom they took to Big Bay and for a cruise around Woronofski Island. At Big Bay a bountiful picnic dinner was served aboard the boat. Arriving home, the party was invited to the Hofstad home where a delightful evening was spent.

June 15, 1945

Alaska Metals and Power Company have just completed a water power and electric power plant at Mill Creek about ten miles from Wrangell on the back channel. The company also has a complete Corlie saw mill, including a planer and all necessary equipment for the manufacture of lumber and staves for pipe lines of any size or capacity, Manager Galvin said. In addition to the lumber industry, Galvin said the Alaska Metals and Power Company has started mining operations on his property in Groundhog basin. “The two enterprises,” Galvin added, “will, I hope, furnish year round employment for the people of Wrangell.”

June 18, 1970

A California couple on a flying tour of the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, and Southeast Alaska stopped in Wrangell Sunday and Monday. Donald and Heidi Blumenthal landed their green and white Cessna 170B at Wrangell Airport Sunday night after a “sunny and beautiful” flight from Annette. “It was like summer, “ said Blumenthal, “until we approached Wrangell. Then we flew in under a cloud cover.” The couple toured the town Sunday night and adjudged it “the most charming we’ve seen in Alaska.” They camped out with permission of owner Richard Sykes in the airport hangar before departing about noon Monday for Sitka. Blumenthal and his wife, both 26, said they left their home in Pasadena, California, May 29 and flew through Oregon, Washington and British Columbia before landing at Annette. Their four-place airplane crammed with camping gear and a small (135-pound) motorbike for transportation and in each case they slept out in sleeping bags in parks or under their plane. Blumenthal, who is a flight instructor and recently received his doctor’s degree in aeronautics from the California Institute of Technology, said the trip would total 5,000 miles and 50 hours’ flying by the time he returns home next week.

June 15, 1995

Belinda Campbell of Stanwood, Wash., granddaughter of Leonard T. Campbell of Wrangell, set a league record 2:21.6 for the 800-meter run while finishing third ina district track and field meet in Washington state. Belinda’s brother, Erin Campbell, who like Belinda was born in Wrangell, finished sixth in a trajectory event in a national Science Olympiad. The Stanwood School team, which won the state championship, finished 16 of 53 teams competing in the national event. Belinda and Erin are children of Rob and Willy Campbell. Their grandmother is L. K. Gunderson, former Wrangell City Clerk.


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