EDC workshops local assistance applications

Wrangell's Economic Development Committee met Monday, June 15, to workshop various grant programs to assist Wrangell businesses. The EDC has put together three local grants that businesses could apply for to get some financial assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The majority of the discussion revolved around eligibility requirements and dollar amounts for these grants.

The first grant they workshopped was for small businesses. This grant program, according to a draft application the EDC reviewed, is aimed at assisting local businesses directly impacted by the pandemic. Eligibility requirements the committee decided on would be as follows: The business must be current on Wrangell sales tax payments, or have a current repayment plan. Accommodation businesses must be current on local transient tax submittals, or have a repayment plan. These businesses must also provide an Alaska Business License or, in the case of commercial fishermen, an active Commercial Fishery License. Fishermen must also be permanent residents of Wrangell to qualify for this grant.

The grant, it was decided by the committee, would be on a first come, first served basis. Business owners can make one application per business, for $1,000. This grant will run up to a maximum of $500,000.

Next on the list was an extended stay grant application for The Marine Service Center. This grant is being designed to help assisting boat owners with storage fees in Wrangell's boat yard, in the event the boat owner was required to store their boat for longer than necessary because of COVID-19. To be eligible for this grant, individuals must be able to provide written documentation regarding their delayed stays in The Marine Service Center, as well as proof of payment of storage fees. Assistance is available for anyone, from the point of March 11, that was delayed in the boat yard for five days or more. The grant would be for a maximum reimbursement of $300.

Lastly, the EDC considered a voucher program to help cover haul out costs for boats. The Marine Service Center has reduced revenues in March and May of 2020, in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Alaska. This voucher would cover 50 percent of the costs to have a vessel hauled out of the water and into the boat yard, through December of this year. This voucher, in the draft application, would be redeemable after payment for the haul out is received. Economic Development Director Carol Rushmore said that it costs a rough average of $700 to $800 to haul out a boat. The EDC decided, after some discussion, to put a cap on this voucher program at $50,000 total.

These grants have not been finalized yet. EDC and Assembly Member Julie Decker explained that the items the EDC covered in the meeting would still need to be formally accepted by the assembly in the future.


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