Planning and Zoning Commission hear request to purchase city land, discuss Institute rezoning

The Wrangell Planning and Zoning Commission met last Thursday, June 11. During this meeting, they heard a request to purchase city land, continued their ongoing discussion of rezoning the old Institute property, and held a public hearing on a conditional use permit.

The request to purchase city land came from Jim and Sue Nelson. They were seeking to buy 1,600 square feet of triangular land adjacent to the switch yard near the Public Works Department. They wanted to buy this land, according to the agenda packet, to have control over access to their property as their driveway and parking area currently sits on city land. The commission recommended that the borough assembly enter into negotiations to sell or lease the requested land.

The commission also continued their discussion of rezoning the Institute Property. The land in question is near Shoemaker Harbor, where the old Wrangell Institute used to reside. In previous articles in the Wrangell Sentinel, the property was zoned "holding" back in 2011 until the city could decide how the land should be developed. A master plan was designed in 2017, but development plans have stalled since then. The commission has been having ongoing conversations about the Institute Property to help jumpstart development. Aleisha Mollen, with the city, said that the commission made a motion to include commercial use development in Tracts 2 and 5 of the property.

The commission also approved of a conditional use permit application from Dori Matney and Jean Vander Molen, to use a residence on Crest Lane as a short term vacation rental.


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