Sentinel requires readership

In the past 4 consecutive years this newspaper has been recognized by the Alaska Press Club for its quality writing and overall excellence. But award winning stories mean nothing if they aren't read.

Subscribers are the lifeblood of a community newspaper. Without readers, our work is for naught.

Despite the prolific numbers of social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, the Sentinel enables community discussions. Letters to the Editor were the first and most commonly used community discussion forums to exist. They are still in use today.

Elected officials at the state and national level use these pages to keep their constituents informed. The Sentinel covers community meetings of the assembly, planning and zoning commission and the school board so the public can stay abreast of the actions and deliberations of each body. You won't find coverage of these bodies on Twitter or Facebook.

Subscriptions to this publication are necessary and appreciated. We want our newspaper to be read far and wide. It should be in the homes, businesses and waiting areas throughout the town.

Call today for subscription information - 874-2301.


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