Southeast Alaska commercial shrimp beam trawl fishery

The guideline harvest levels (GHLs) for the second fishing period (July 1–August 30) are 308,000 lb in District 6 and 250,000 lb in District 8, in accordance with the preseason GHL news release.

Estimated harvest for the first fishing period (May 1–June 30) in District 6 was 282,000 lb. This harvest was 18,000 lb below the 300,000 lb GHL, thus 18,000 lb will be rolled over in addition to the 290,000 lb GHL announced preseason. Totals for coonstripe shrimp bycatch harvest to date in District 6 are confidential.

Estimated harvest for the first fishing period (May 1–June 30) in District 8 was 31,000 lb. This harvest was 219,000 lb below the 250,000 lb GHL. This rollover poundage will bring the second period GHL to the upper end of the guideline harvest range (GHR) at 250,000 lb. Totals for spot and coonstripe shrimp bycatch harvest to date in District 8 are confidential.

Under Alaska’s Health Mandates 10, 17, and 18, commercial fishing is an Essential Business and is part of Alaska’s Essential Services and Critical Infrastructure.

Commercial fishermen should ensure that all travel and other activities in support of commercial fishing operations follow

protocols in Alaska COVID-19 Health

Mandates. COVID-19 Health Mandates may be found here:


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