The Way We Were

August 26, 1920

Last week the Sentinel sold over 100 extra copies to local people who sent them away to their friends in the States. The landing of the airplanes in Alaska was a history making event, and we commend our friends for being eager to advertise the fact.

August 31, 1945

Mrs. L.M. Campbell was hostess Wednesday afternoon for a delightful informal tea held at her home. The house was beautifully arrayed with flowers and decorations for the tea, which was held in honor of women newly arrived in Wrangell. Attending the affair, for which Mrs. Z.M. Bradford poured, were:

Mrs. Evelyn Oneal, and her mother Mrs George Bidwell, Mrs. Z.M.Bradford and niece, Joan Morris. Mrs. Joyce C. Hay, Mrs. Jackson Webster and daughter, Mary, Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. J. W. Barker, Mrs. Charles Eslick, Mrs. R.E. Mayes, Miss Verna Barron, Mrs. William Forbes, Mrs. John Coulter and Mrs. Mamie Lander. Mrs. Coulter and Mrs. Lander dropped in later in the afternoon after Mrs. Lander had arrived here by plane. She is Grand Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star, visiting lodges of the territory.

August 27, 1970

A delegation of four Japanese men from the lumber and fishing city of Noshiro, visited this week and officially invited Wrangell to become Noshiro’s sister city.

The dignitaries were entertained at a dinner at Aunt Winnie’s which was attended by executives of Wrangell Lumber Co., City Council members and Mayor

House and former Wrangell mayors Doris Barnes and Dick Ballard, both of whom

worked on the sister city project. House said the program would result in reciprocal visits to Japan by Wrangell representatives, exchange of gifts and correspondence. The idea is being studied. Noshiro, in northern Japan, has a population of 66,000. The visitors included Noshiro’s mayor, Seizaburo Yanagiya, and Noshiro city officials Naosuke Noto, Shuetzu Matsuoka and Yuichi Noto.

August 24, 1995

Mongolian visitor to Wrangell, Saintuya, is

selling handmade dolls, postage stamps and original paintings, hoping to purchase a computer before she returns home. Saintuya, who now teaches English language to kindergarten students, taught Russian, which she studied at a university in Kiev, Ukraine. She and her husband, a lawyer who also teaches Russian and English, have two daughters. Saintuya is spending the summer with Don and Dr. Harriet Schirmer, enhancing her abilities in English. The Schirmers, who have visited Mongolia on two occasions, will soon host a young man from Mongolia who

will attend high school in Wrangell.


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