The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

September 2, 1920

The Willson & Sylvester Mill of Wrangell has this week been cutting lumber for the construction of the first paper mill in Alaska. On Saturday a scow load of lumber will leave the mill dock for Speel river where the paper mill of the Alaska Pulp & Paper Company will be built. The contract for the first pulp wood to be cut in Alaska was let by the Alaska Pulp and Paper Company to Sawyer and Reynolds, loggers operating near Killisnoo. The company’s boats are now preparing to tow the booms to Speel river for delivery to the Pulp Plant there. The wood to be used is Alaska Spruce. The first boom should arrive at Speel river shortly and this will be followed by several more until the pulp company has enough on hand to start its plant and to insure a supply to run on over winter.

August 31, 1945

Wrangell’s teaching staff is complete and the 1945-46 term will begin Tuesday, September 4. Mrs. Walter Knape of Juneau has been secured to teach English, replacing Mrs. Bear who resigned Aug. 15. Parents of children entering the first grade are reminded such children should have a physical examination in the first week of school. Supt. Fabricius has again received notification from the Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools that the local High School is fully accredited and approved.

September 3, 1970

Two seats on the City Council and two on the school board will become vacant next month. Candidates for the job can pick up filing papers beginning Tuesday at city hall, according to City Clerk Joyce Rasler. The position will be filled in a general city election Oct. 6. The City Council seats are held currently by Olaf Hansen and Ben Engel. The School Board seats up for refilling are those of Mrs. Mable Fennimore and John Maxand.

September 3, 1995

Working at the top, Dan Flaugher and Jerry Engleman removed flaking paint as an early step in priming and repainting the flag poles at Wrangell’s U. S. Post Office. They had to twice put together scaffolding in order to safely perform the task - taking advantage of pleasant weather last week in order to accomplish the job. The sidewalk, street and parking area in front of the building are also to be resurfaced in the near future.


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