High school releases tentative sports schedule

Wrangell High School has provided the Wrangell Sentinel a very tentative schedule for sporting events this season. The COVID-19 pandemic cut the basketball season short last year, and as the pandemic is still ongoing there is much uncertainty about what sports will look like this year. Trisa Rooney, activities director for Wrangell High School, emphasized in an email to the Sentinel that the dates and locations provided were all subject to change. Nothing has been set in stone yet, she said.

Cross country season began late this July. Their first meet was tentatively scheduled for Sept. 5, on Prince of Wales Island. However, Superintendent Debbe Lancaster informed the Sentinel on Sept. 1 that this meet has been cancelled. The way things stand in the schedule, as of Aug. 27, Regionals and State will take place in early October.

Swim season opened today, Sept. 3. A "virtual meet" is scheduled against Ketchikan on Sept. 25 and 26. Regionals are scheduled for Nov. 20 and 21, with the State meet on Dec. 4 and 5.

Volleyball season opens on Sept. 9. No matches were listed in the schedule provided to the Sentinel. Regionals are set for Nov. 19-21, and State on Dec. 3-5.

Wrestling season opens on Sept. 30. Regionals are scheduled for Dec. 11-12, and State is set for Dec. 18-19.

For basketball, like volleyball and wrestling, little has been scheduled as of yet. Basketball season is scheduled to open on Dec. 2. Regionals will be next year, March 12-13, 2021. State is scheduled for March 17-20, 2021.


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